松party是由”義大利軒禧酒莊氣泡酒”X”Reflex聲音樂”聯名、熙堂有限公司協辦的戶外電子音樂派對,在喧囂繁華的市中心~松菸小綠洲貨櫃市集我們將舉辦一天的優質戶外電子音樂派對,在這裡可以很輕鬆無負擔的來晃晃,身心靈隨著品味卓越的電子音樂節奏律動著,再來一杯義大利電音派對最夯的調酒Spritz,彷彿穿越時空置身米蘭風情,Go Danging !!
SONG outdoor party
Songshan Cultural and Creative Park outdoor electronic music party “SONG outdoor party” is by the “Italian CECI sparkling wine” X “REFLEX” Co-organized, in the hustle and bustle of the city center ~ Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Small Oasis Container market. We will host a day of high-quality outdoor electronic music party, Come here to dance, Body and mind move with the rhythm of electronic music, and then a cup of Italian cocktails “Spritz” as if through time and space in Milan style, Go Dancing !!!
Date: april 27, 2019 (SAT)
Time: 11:00-22:00
Location: 松山文創園區 SCCP Taipei
Address: No.133, Guangfu S.Rd., Xinyi Dist. Taipei
Artist :
Sustain Feng
free entry
10 hours non-stop electronic music